
about me

i am a mother and a wife so i know how many wonderful moments of love and beauty fill your life. i know how busy you are. but there are things you don't ever want to forget. your engagement. a kiss from your true love. your wedding. that supple, round, pregnant belly. baby's first breath. those wobbly steps. baptisms. a few shots of one of those precious childhood days. rainboots and bubbles. mud and ladybugs. the way your daughter's hair looks when the sun casts its perfect yellow glow. the dimple on the left cheek of that teen who barely smiles but when he melts your heart. graduations. senior pics. quincineras. holidays. First Holy Communion. seasonal pics.

life is a story carefully and joyfully played out on the world's stage..let me capture and share my creative vision with you to preserve  moments such as these before they are gone forever...

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